The Cafe is currently open Tuesday to Saturday from 10am – 3.30pm with hot food being served until 2.00pm.
The bookshop is open in the front of the Cafe, 10am – 3.30pm, Tuesday – Saturday.
Foodbank Hours:
For Collection of Food, please collect within the following hours:
- Wednesday 2pm – 4pm
- Friday 2pm – 4pm
- Saturday 2pm – 4pm
Donations for the foodbank can be delivered, Thursday – Saturday 9.15am – 4pm.
Please ring the bell on the centre door of the complex and a member of the team will attend to you.
For more information about our rooms, please look here.
To hire a room or hall please take a look here.
Please see our separate website for more information.
Our Vision for the future lies in our Christian Faith. Our Faith is in a God of love and compassion, a God who values every person, a God who loved us so much that He came among us in human form. So Jesus inspires us by His Life, brings us forgiveness by His death, and offers us the possibility of new life by His resurrection. He offers us a fresh start, new opportunities. He gives us strength to live by His Spirit within us. He satisfies the deepest spiritual thirst of all who come to Him.
May many find that “Water of Life” through the Lyttelton Well.